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Reinforcing Our Commitment


Our network is not a cell church, it is a network of cell churches expressed in family groups, which play a decisive role in fulfilling our vision and reaching our destiny. Through the events UNLEASHED God has given us an aggressive vision of advancement, strength, conquest, and supernatural power for the specific purpose of bringing revival to the northern United States. We will use the northern United States as a global launching pad, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, by homes, communities, and nations.

Through the UNLEASHED events we have the purpose of taking the gospel of Christ where people live, work and develop with a missionary approach of love towards the lost. The purpose is to take a city to the
time, one house at a time and to the nations. UNLEASHED
 events create an atmosphere of heart transformation to see the fire of the Holy Spirit burning like a torch that shines in a dark place until the light of Christ shines in the hearts of those exposed to the gospel message.

Healing of the Heart

We understand that our friendship with the Holy Spirit is developed in the secret place. That a public life of victories and success is backed by a life of war, fasting, prayer and sacrifice in the secret place. Everything we are in public is a reflection of our private prayer life. We believe with all our heart that our mentality has to be renewed daily, giving a primary place to the Word of God in our lives.

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